An adorable RPG for PC. It will be okay! · By
- **Stay on topic!** These forums are about MIHOSHIHO and redtomatochicken-related projects. If you're thinking about posting about the price of eggs on your supermarket trip last week, please don't! This is not the place for that!
- **Be civil.** No insults or namecalling. Do not harass other people!
- If you make a suggestion and it's been ignored, please wait a bit longer! Sometimes it can take a bit of time to get resolved and updated. If your suggestion has been declined, that's okay! It might be too difficult to implement or might not match with our creative vision for this game. **You can always mod the game yourself using Godot if you really want your feature implemented!**
- For bug reports, make sure to post your **system specs**, a **link or copy of your log file** (found in `%appdata%/redtomatochicken/mihoshiho/logs`), and a **description of what's going wrong**
- And most importantly, have fun! And it will be okay. <3